
Paxton’s Dysautonomia Info Sheet

Preview of downloadable PDF - Paxton's info sheet about Dysautonomia
Click the button to download Paxton’s Dysautonomia info sheet. This one-page sheet is a convenient way to provide insight to teachers, family members and friends who don’t understand the many invisible symptoms of Dysautonomia.

Paxton Passes Out! Learning Activities for Kids

Preview of downloadable PDF. Paxton Passes Out! activities for kids.

Click the button to download kids’ activities that go with Paxton Passes Out! These resources focus on building empathy, critical thinking and challenging assumptions.

Donkey & Penguin Learning Activities for Kids

Preview of downloadable activities for kids. Donkey & Penguin.

Click the button to download Donkey and Penguin kids’ activities. These focus on expanding black-and-white thinking and decision making.